Advantages of MOTORcheckUP in workshop and trade.
Advantages of MOTORcheckUP in workshop and trade.
MOTORcheckUP is an effective test method for car dealerships to increase their turnover in the long term, to raise their image and to secure customer loyalty to the dealership.
With MOTORcheckUP it is possible to examine the state of health, the functionality and wear and tear in the engine in a simple, secure and fast manner.
With only one drop of motor oil on the respective test paper, a diagnosis can be made in minutes. The end result takes a little longer because of the sluggishness of the motor oil.
MOTORcheckUP holds patents in Europe and many other countries. It has been safety tested by used and recommended by numerous workshops, specialists and organisations.
The test scrutinises state of health of the engines, as well as wear and tear and the degree of soiling.
With the simple and graphic test for engines, the client can be shown the result, by the use of the reference illustrations explanations, whether there is wear and tear or some damage. You can also see whether there are actions to be taken (for example- change of air filter, change of oil, renewing injectors, change spark plugs.), or if a change is necessary or functioning is impaired.
MOTORcheckUP is a win for the workshop.
By using MOTORcheckUP, the workshop shows the client that his workshop is concerned with his safety and the wellbeing of his vehicle. The workshop examines a component relevant to safety and can give a graphic explanation as to the health of the vehicle. If a defect or evidence of wear and tear is discovered it can be repaired immediately and the fault or the necessity to repair can be verified immediately. The test is suitable to diagnose faults and therefore helps to save time and costs.
The workshop offers the client a hitherto unknown service and with it a large amount of trust and safety. The client can comprehend the necessity for the change of motor oil and can be involved in the decision making process.
Identified or gradual faults may be recognised and repaired in a timely manner. The client saves considerable costs and inconvenience is avoided.
Workshops and used car dealers use the test in your service programme and in this way achieve better client retention, Image, and of course, higher turnover. As an example, during the following practices and actions.
- Change of tyres
- Winter check
- Holiday check
- Spring check
- Bonus programme
- Bonus points
- New car presentation
- PR campaign
- Day of the open door
- Image campaign
Find out for yourself which parts of the test will bring you a higher turnover and ask yourself the following questions:
- What is my image worth?
- What value do I put on my client’s trust?
- How do I create a better bond with my client?
- How do I create a higher turnover?
- How do I get new clients?
- How can I maximise my profit?